We're back after a brief break...I've not been feeling well since having a UTI/kidney infection...I'm still not completely better and dealing with some pain still, so I'm trying to take it easy. During this past weekend Tom was the most wonderful husband a wife could ask for. He took care of me and did the majority of taking care of Gregory. I appreciated it so much. I just wanted to brag about him a little bit. He does a lot for us and we are so thankful for him. I know some of you are thinking, huh? Is this the same Tom I know? He has been gone from home for quite a while, so maybe he's changed some? :-)
This past week has been full of first for Gregory...his first REAL words that made sense--mama...his first time saying "dad"...and another big event...his first STEPS! Gregory took about 4 or 5 steps from holding on to the laundry basket to me (sitting on the couch). We had just been talking about how Gregory was getting really close to taking his first steps and how it would probably be when Tom was sleeping (since he's working nights this month) or when Tom was at work. Well, he didn't miss it and was thrilled he got to be here for this first (as well as the others this week). Unfortunately we don't have any pictures or video to prove this since we weren't prepared and he hasn't done it since.
With me not feeling well along with the digital camera being in Tom's vehicle with him at work it took a while to get Gregory's 11 month photos taken, but they're finally done! Click on the link on the right which says
Our photos to see more.

Photo Remarks: We have been so blessed to have gotten so many outfits for Gregory from both my sister-in-law and my sister. This outfit was from Raquel--so Gregory might be looking a little more like his cousins these days with the majority of his clothes coming from Jaden & Clay. THANKS!
And the last item of importance was last night we celebrated my birthday (a little early), but had to be this way due to Tom's schedule this week. Tom picked up a Dairy Queen ice cream cake--yum! And he got me a couple of gifts--some beautiful earrings & a great cookbook!

That's all for now...sorry nothing to say about MOPS last week--I didn't get to go since I was sick :-( Very disappointing.