While we were there we got to celebrate our brother-in-law, Rob's birthday as well as our niece, Makayla's first birthday. Beth made some VERY yummy food and a delicious Peanut Butter Pie. YUM! It was fun to watch Makayla open her presents and to see the cousins playing together. Matthew (who will be five in November) and Gregory got along great! Matthew loves attention and Gregory was very willing to laugh at his craziness. Mark is more timid but shared his toys with Gregory too. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so we have no pictures from our time together :-(
Here are a couple of pictures from our time with Betty...
Also on the way back we got a hotel with a swimming pool...it was a Super 8 hotel and it seemed more like a Holiday Inn Express or something so much nicer. Maybe it's because the hotel we got on the way to Missouri wasn't so nice. Anyways, our stay in Salina, KS was a very wonderful one. Gregory took a little while to enjoy the time in the swimming pool, even though this was like his third time in a pool. So I am hoping to start taking him more often to a pool so he can get more used to it and enjoy it more. Here's a photo of Tom and Gregory in the pool.