Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New baby pics - FINALLY

Here are some pics from the three ultrasounds that I have had thus far. I am about 12 1/2 weeks along and still struggling with some nauseousness. Praying it goes away soon and that I get some energy back too.

This first pic confirmed that the pregnancy was in the right place...and was only one baby!

The second pic was to make sure that everything was ok considering the amount of pain I was in.

The last four pics were from my 12 week ultrasound.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So much fun!

This week has been so full of activities and fun it would be a shame not to blog about it all. Monday night Tom & I were involved with an activity for our Jr High students from church at a place called Mr. Biggs. So Gregory went to one of his favorite places--to be with McKenzie (and her brother and parents). He LOVED it with them at their new house. He even got to enjoy the packing materials :-) They went to the park and he got to see the big dogs and just had a fun time. Tom and I had a great time as well building relationships...it was just an incredible time.

Then on Tuesday after a late night we got up and went to the zoo. Tom hadn't been there before, so it was fun to wander around there together. We were late so we didn't get to see too many of the people we were supposed to meet up with, but we still had a fun time. We went to a couple of areas we hadn't seen before--the hippos and the primate area. Of course Gregory loved it all!

And then yesterday, Wednesday, we enjoyed a fun time around the pool with some friends at the pool at their apartment. I was very determined to make sure Gregory didn't get a sunburn---and he didn't--I DID! Grrr. I totally forgot that with the medicine I am taking I am not supposed to be out in the sun! So I am a crispy critter...and hoping this goes away soon. Ouch.

Today I have a doctor appointment--actually two of them--a 12 week ultrasound and then my physical (not a fun time). I am pretty sure I'll have pictures to share of our baby after the appt so come back later to see them.

And with all the fun we've been having this week, I am pretty sure we are going to have a slow relaxing weekend! I am so looking forward to that too!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Busy month

This past month has been very busy and I just haven't taken the time to post anything on our blog for a while. Sorry. We survived Tom being gone to MD. Had a blast with my parents here. And am struggling horribly with nausea. Most days I don't feel like eating, but do because I have to. Not much sounds good to me and smells drive me crazy! I am now about 9 1/2 weeks along and anxious awaiting this trimester to pass! That's all for now...check out our pics if you want to see our fun times over the past few weeks.
