Tom went to Alaska for a week and we survived...we were actually pretty busy while he was gone...I had lots of meetings for our mom's group that I'll be coordinating (it's called Refreshed). I also had a routine doctor appointment and we spent some time playing outside too.
After that week, then Tom worked nights for a week, so we were glad to have him home even though we only got to see him for a couple of hours a day.
Of course over the past few weeks we've been packing as well...we get the keys to our next house on Monday. And I can hardly wait for that day to come! More space, more storage and a nice tub to relax in :-)

So we'll be moving and unpacking over the next couple of weeks and cleaning too as we move out of our current house.
Oh and two nights ago we had a pretty big hailstorm so that was about the only big excitement around here.

Here's also a short video from the hailstorm...
And last week we spent some time at a park and we found some geese and ducks to feed there too. This brought back great memories of when I was little and my mom would take us to the park to feed the ducks...of course there was a not so pleasant memory with the ducks too (when my sister fell into the pond at my birthday party)...we almost had our own version of this when Gregory took off running, but I was able to steer him away from the pond when I caught up with him.

Of course there are more pics at