So I am not that far behind on my posts...this is just from over a week ago. I had my 30 week appt and the doctor had another ultrasound scheduled to make sure everything was ok and that I wouldn't need to have a c-section...and praise the Lord everything IS ok. Our baby boy is about 3.8 lbs and doing good. We could see him moving his mouth during the ultrasound and the pictures were so clear where we could see so much detail. I didn't have an ultrasound with Gregory when I was this far along, so this was something new for us. So now I am 31 weeks and getting ready to get an appointment for pre-admission. Wow, it seems like things are moving right along. I guess it helps when you're busy like us. In the next month I have so much going on, but it's mostly fun stuff, so that should be good :-)
Oh and to cap it all off a week before Thanksgiving a special friend of mine is throwing us a baby shower and my mom and sister are flying down for it! This will be a special time. It's not too often that just my mom, my sister and I get to be together so I am looking forward to this time.
Here is one of my favorite ultrasound pictures...and as always there are more at

Oh and here are a couple of recent pictures of me and Gregory and how big I'm getting and another of my recent haircut.