Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A cheap adventure day

So today we set out on an adventure to find a pumpkin (to cook) and some apples (to eat).  We found both and even more!  We went to where there is a "self serve" wagon to buy fall items and there is also a self serve flower field when they are in season.  So we picked out a pumpkin after wandering around the flowers that are in season.  Here are a few pics from this part of our adventure.
And then we set out to find apples.  We didn't know for sure where we were going, so we drove out to Robinson Barracks (about 1/2 hr away) and didn't find any "state/city" apple trees.  It was a nice drive with all the fall colors.  So we set out to come back home.  We were just outside the gate to go back on base to head home when I looked over at the "park area" outside our base and noticed APPLE trees (and a few pear trees).  We drive by them EVERY day multiple times a day!  So we parked and hopped out and got a few apples, played at a fun "natural" playground and visited with an Oma (grandma) and her enkel (grandson).

On the way home Gregory asked me what does "spiele" mean?  Very cute and even enunciated correctly.  He has been learning so much German.  I think the Oma was talking to Gregory and that's where he picked it up, but then also he was asking "how do I say I want to play outside after Joshua's nap?"
It was so funny to find APPLES right outside our base, now to find some more so we can make some applesauce!  I can't wait!