The other day we celebrated Gregory's 8th birthday. As always I had to look at photos from past birthdays, so many fun memories with so many friends around the world.
Gregory is an amazing boy. He is tenderhearted, encouraging, smart, incredibly smart, a thinker, a dreamer, dancer, worshiper and evangelist (just not on tv) :-)
One of my favorite characteristics about Gregory is how he loves to encourage people. He regularly encourages those around him, adults and kids alike.
He still loves astronauts, Mars, planets, astronomy, all things space related. He especially likes the Apollo missions.
He is an incredible mathematician and an amazing reader. He loves to show off his math skills (still working on humility with knowledge). He loves reading biographies and the goofy boys books that are in the library (like Big Nate books).
His love for history continues and is stretching to have an interest in travel as well. Recently he has been enjoying the "Where on Earth is Carmen San Diego" tv dvd series.
This boy is such a easily lovable boy and is turning into quite the thinker and dreamer. I love you Gregory!
Happy 8th Birthday Gregory Thomas Cook.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Youth for Christ Update
We are nearly 2 1/2 months away from starting our adventure with Youth for Christ in Iowa, so I wanted to give a bit of an update to our friends and family.
Over the past couple of months we hosted a couple of dessert parties. These were a great opportunity for us to share "our story" and how God led us to join with Youth for Christ. We also were able to share a video of the building that will be the YFC building in Hawarden, Iowa. Below is the link to that video!
Youth for Christ Bldg in Hawarden Video
As for our support raising...we are doing great - with just a little ways to go! Our monthly support goal is $1366/month and we have raised about $1166. Our cash budget was $6000 and we have raised somewhere around $12000! WOW!! Praise God! This has been an amazing stretch of our faith and an increase in our faith. Tom will start drawing a paycheck from YFC on 1 July, and we'd really like to be able to say we met our goals, so we will keep praying towards this.
In a little less than a month we will be closing on our house! We are waiting on our VA loan to be approved still, but we are confident it will all go through without a problem. It has been a HUGE blessing to be able to live with my parents in ND. So many great memories for us and the boys. I am not even sure I want to start with listing it all because with so many words people could get bored ;-)
Here's to the next few weeks of extreme busyness! Looking forward to posting more answers to our prayers in the near future.
Over the past couple of months we hosted a couple of dessert parties. These were a great opportunity for us to share "our story" and how God led us to join with Youth for Christ. We also were able to share a video of the building that will be the YFC building in Hawarden, Iowa. Below is the link to that video!
Youth for Christ Bldg in Hawarden Video
As for our support raising...we are doing great - with just a little ways to go! Our monthly support goal is $1366/month and we have raised about $1166. Our cash budget was $6000 and we have raised somewhere around $12000! WOW!! Praise God! This has been an amazing stretch of our faith and an increase in our faith. Tom will start drawing a paycheck from YFC on 1 July, and we'd really like to be able to say we met our goals, so we will keep praying towards this.
In a little less than a month we will be closing on our house! We are waiting on our VA loan to be approved still, but we are confident it will all go through without a problem. It has been a HUGE blessing to be able to live with my parents in ND. So many great memories for us and the boys. I am not even sure I want to start with listing it all because with so many words people could get bored ;-)
Here's to the next few weeks of extreme busyness! Looking forward to posting more answers to our prayers in the near future.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
And there was rejoicing in heaven yesterday
So last night when we were tucking the boys into bed, like always, the boys are thinking of how many questions can we ask to delay turning the lights off and then Joshua picked the best questions to ask...
Mommy, are you going to heaven? To which I answered, "yes".
Daddy, are you going to heaven? To which Tom answered, "yes".
Gregory, are you going to heaven? To which Gregory cut his brother off and said, "YES, I am going to heaven".
Are grandma and grandpa going to heaven? And we all answered "yes".
Am I going to heaven? So I answered, "Well, do you have Jesus in your heart?" And Joshua, said, "I want to go to heaven" and turned his head and asked Jesus into his heart as quickly as he possibly could so we could keep talking. So we kept talking a bit more with Joshua to see if he was serious about this...or was this like other times where he lets the conversation end and moves on to something else. He kept going with the conversation and we kept going too. I explained it all further and what this meant, that he needed to want to quit doing bad things and quit trying to be naughty and mean and to want to be more like Jesus and to try to a good boy and make good choices.
So then I told him he could ask Jesus into his heart, to tell him that he is sorry for the bad stuff in his heart and that he wants Jesus to be in his heart.
He turned his head and whispered his own prayer asking Jesus into his heart.
Good stuff. So proud of him and looking forward to helping Joshua to be a passionate follower of Jesus.
This time was completely different than when Gregory asked Jesus into his heart...Joshua has been really slow to understand some things, but I am hoping this means he is making decisions for life because he seems to think them over for much longer. Where as I know Gregory understands things earlier but he is very committal and makes commitments that he wants to last forever.
I love my two boys and they mean the world to me and now I am happy to know how I can keep praying for each of them to know Jesus more and more and to love him more and more.
....and there was much rejoicing in heaven last night when Joshua asked Jesus into his hear.
Mommy, are you going to heaven? To which I answered, "yes".
Daddy, are you going to heaven? To which Tom answered, "yes".
Gregory, are you going to heaven? To which Gregory cut his brother off and said, "YES, I am going to heaven".
Are grandma and grandpa going to heaven? And we all answered "yes".
Am I going to heaven? So I answered, "Well, do you have Jesus in your heart?" And Joshua, said, "I want to go to heaven" and turned his head and asked Jesus into his heart as quickly as he possibly could so we could keep talking. So we kept talking a bit more with Joshua to see if he was serious about this...or was this like other times where he lets the conversation end and moves on to something else. He kept going with the conversation and we kept going too. I explained it all further and what this meant, that he needed to want to quit doing bad things and quit trying to be naughty and mean and to want to be more like Jesus and to try to a good boy and make good choices.
So then I told him he could ask Jesus into his heart, to tell him that he is sorry for the bad stuff in his heart and that he wants Jesus to be in his heart.
He turned his head and whispered his own prayer asking Jesus into his heart.
Good stuff. So proud of him and looking forward to helping Joshua to be a passionate follower of Jesus.
This time was completely different than when Gregory asked Jesus into his heart...Joshua has been really slow to understand some things, but I am hoping this means he is making decisions for life because he seems to think them over for much longer. Where as I know Gregory understands things earlier but he is very committal and makes commitments that he wants to last forever.
I love my two boys and they mean the world to me and now I am happy to know how I can keep praying for each of them to know Jesus more and more and to love him more and more.
....and there was much rejoicing in heaven last night when Joshua asked Jesus into his hear.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Pray for the Cooks!
Once again it's been a while since I've posted on our to catch up below is our Youth for Christ letter that was sent out to as many friends and family as we could think of, in case we missed someone, it was not intentional :-)
YFC support letter
If you read this and you feel you would like to support us and Youth for Christ, send us an email,, or contact us on Facebook or any other way you know possible.
Currently we are at about 50% of our cash budget raised (50% of $6000) and about 33% of our monthly budget (33% of $1366).
We have been at this for about a month and we've been blown away at how God is moving in people's hearts to support us.
If you'd like to pray for us that is much appreciated as well! We can mail you a prayer reminder photo, if you'd like. Just ask!
Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.
Romans 12:11-13 The Message (MSG)
YFC support letter
If you read this and you feel you would like to support us and Youth for Christ, send us an email,, or contact us on Facebook or any other way you know possible.
Currently we are at about 50% of our cash budget raised (50% of $6000) and about 33% of our monthly budget (33% of $1366).
We have been at this for about a month and we've been blown away at how God is moving in people's hearts to support us.
If you'd like to pray for us that is much appreciated as well! We can mail you a prayer reminder photo, if you'd like. Just ask!
Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.
Romans 12:11-13 The Message (MSG)
Friday, January 9, 2015
Our Christmas Letter 2014
For those who did not get a copy of our annual Christmas letter and card, below is a copy of it...
Here we are at the end of
2014. If we could use one word to describe 2014 it would be CHANGE.
So many things have changed for us this year; everything from Tom’s job, our living
location (home), Gregory’s school, Joshua’s age and so many other things.
Below is just a snapshot of how so much of that change came about. Towards
the end of our letter, please pay special attention for a special update on the
future God has laid out for us, we are praying that at the beginning of 2015 we
will be communicating more about how you can prayerfully and financially
support our family as we join with Youth for Christ to reach the youth for
Jesus in Sioux County, Iowa.
JANUARY – This is the month when
change started happening for us. In order
to cut its budget, the Air Force decided that it would allow so many people to
apply for early retirement. So after
realizing that this would be a good option for us, Tom applied for early
retirement from the Air Force.
FEBRUARY – Our family went on a
middle school youth retreat, “Escape”, with over 100 Chapel youth from
Stuttgart. Roxanne was one of the admin
helpers and Tom was the assistant to the main leader while Joshua and Gregory
got to have lots of fun with some of the other workers kids.
MARCH – The Air Force informed
Tom in March that he was approved for early retirement with an official retirement
date of August 1. This meant that we
would be leaving Germany toward the end of June. From there everything started happening
pretty fast.
APRIL – Since we were leaving Europe
soon we started traveling like crazy. We
took a spring break trip to the Netherlands.
While we were there we visited Corrie ten Boom’s house, windmills, a
Noah’s ark replica and so much more. It was also a special time as we were
there for Roxanne’s birthday and we were able to visit a friend from Colorado
Springs (that lives in Germany now) when we were traveling back to Stuttgart –
great seeing you Hope!
MAY – In May we made one last
visit to Legoland and then one last visit to Garmisch, Germany. Oh how we miss the Swiss Alps! We drove from Garmisch to Pisa, Italy as
Roxanne really wanted to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Tom had already seen it
years before).
JUNE – On June 5th
we celebrated Tom’s upcoming retirement with a ceremony and celebration. This was an incredible time to have some of
our close friends with us and to celebrate Tom’s 19 years and 2 months in
service. Our last European adventure was
to Belgium, Luxembourg, and France to see some World War II sites. This was a great time with our boys as we
walked some of the Battle of the Bulge routes in the fields (Tom and Roxanne
had done this a few years back, so it was great to be back). While in Europe Gregory developed a great
love for history (and World War II) and we love to spur this on, especially
since it’s Tom’s passion as well.
JULY – On the 1st of
July we said farewell to our home in Germany and many friends. We are so blessed to be able to keep in touch
with so many via Facebook and are so thankful for photos that jog our memories
and keep them alive for Gregory and Joshua.
We strategically planned our entry into the US at Baltimore so that we
could have a little time to visit with a couple of great friends, Gregory Shade
& Amy Ellicott. Then we began our
trek across the country to our next home in North Dakota. Once we got settled for a little bit, we took
off for Missouri to spend some time with Tom’s mom, Betty, and sister, Beth,
and family. It was a great time to catch
up with everyone. The boys especially
loved getting to spend time with their cousins since it had been a while since
they had seen each other. Tom was able
to spend quite a bit of time with his mom and help with some odd jobs around
her house.
AUGUST – On the 1st
day of this month Tom was officially retired from the US Air Force. Then nearly all of Roxanne’s family got
together in Jamestown (only one nephew was missing). We had a great time of Frisbee golf, boating,
water balloon fights and s’mores around the fire pit. Towards the end of August, Gregory started 2nd
grade at Washington School in Jamestown, ND (the same school Roxanne attended when
growing up in Jamestown).
SEPTEMBER – The end is in
sight! Tom started his last year of
college with Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU). He is so close to having his Bachelor Degree
in Youth Ministry!
OCTOBER – While being in
Jamestown, Tom has had the privilege to volunteer at our church with the Middle
School students weekly and then he was able to go as a chaperone for the annual
Youth Convention in Fargo as well.
Roxanne, the boys and her parents were able to travel to Minnesota to
help her brother, Kirk, and his family as they prepared to move into a
different house. Once again the boys
loved getting to be with some more cousins!
This was also the month where God started opening doors and showing us
the path He wanted us to go on…Tom & Roxanne went down to Hawarden, IA to
interview for a position with Youth for Christ.
We had been praying about this position and have continued to pray and
feel that this is God’s direction for our family.
NOVEMBER – This year for the first
time in MANY years, we were able to be with Tom’s family for Thanksgiving in
Missouri. It was a quick trip but we
were thankful to be close enough to be able to make the drive. This has been one of our favorite things
about being back in the USA, being able to be with family!
DECEMBER – As for most families
this month has been filled with Christmas programs, parties, and even some
caroling. We will be celebrating
Christmas with Roxanne’s parents and then Raquel’s family will come shortly
after Christmas and we will celebrate Joshua’s 5th birthday in ND. We will close out 2014 and start 2015 with a
celebration of Roxanne’s mom, Judy. She
will be retiring from Building Blocks where she has worked for 25 1/2 years.
2015…As we are working on
our annual letter we are prayerfully awaiting a job offer from Youth for Christ
and we plan on accepting the position as the Sioux County Area Director and we
will be moving to Hawarden, Iowa (between Sioux Falls, SD and Sioux City, IA).
Tom will be responsible for leading Campus Life ministries and also running a Teen
Life Center in Hawarden. Tom will not be doing this job as a one man show;
it will be a team effort. Roxanne will be coming along side Tom to help
out where and when she can. Once we know
more and have more info we will be contacting you to share how you can partner
with us to reach the youth for Jesus in the Sioux County area. So please be in prayer with us as we will be
raising support before we will begin ministry in Iowa. We are aiming to be in Iowa early in the
summer, so we can be prepared for the school year. We know this will be difficult to reach this
goal in such a short time, but we do serve a big God who already knows how this
is all going to work out, so we are trusting in Him for this to be accomplished
and to bring Him the glory!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Tom, Roxanne, Gregory & Joshua Cook 701-269-6259 701-269-6352
Monday, January 5, 2015
Happy 5th Birthday Joshua!
Joshua 1:9 "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
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