About a week and a half ago we went and drove around looking at Christmas lights and enjoyed the Drive-Thru Lights that a church here in the Springs had put up. Gregory really enjoyed looking at them too. There was also a live nativity and real sheep there too.
Then there was lots of shopping to do to prepare for Christmas since Gregory and I would be out of town for a little bit before Christmas.
Last Thursday, Gregory and I flew up to Minnesota to be with my family for a few days for an early Christmas. There was a houseful at my sister's when everyone had arrived. It was my parents, my grandma, my aunt and uncle (from Montana), my brother and his wife and two daughters, my sister and her husband and two boys and then Gregory and I. We had fun eating, playing and just relaxing. Of course there were presents and yummy homemade treats too. The highlight of the gifts were the marshmallow shooters--the guys all got these--but I tried Tom's out for him :-) Sorry there aren't any pictures--I was busy playing! My parents, grandma and aunt & uncle left on Sunday morning since my dad was singing in the Christmas Cantata back home at church. I got to enjoy a church service with Raquel & Bryan - we were reminded about the gifts that were brought to Jesus after His birth...and the pastor expounded on what those gifts could compare to today--gold (finances/money), frankincense (our worship) and myrrh (our trials and troubles). On Monday, we (Raquel's family and Gregory & I) me Kirk's family at the Minnesota Children's Museum where we spent all day. All of the kids (big and little) had a great time here. Clifford the Big Red Dog was there that day as well, so this was an extra special treat. Here are a couple of pics of the kids having fun! Of course there are tons more pictures at our picture website if you've got time. www.tomandroxannecook.shutterfly.com
Gregory did great on all the flights, in the airports and with the minor delays. We are glad to be home and looking forward to celebrating Christmas as a family tomorrow since Tom will be off.
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