We've gotten moved into our new home and we are loving it. It's such a blessing from God and we are so thankful to Him for providing all He has provided. We still have some things to hang up and some nail holes to fill in, but all in all, we're moved in.
We've had our first visitors, my sister and her family and it was a wonderful time. We did some sight seeing (had a fun train ride), hung out a lot and played a lot. The boys really enjoyed playing together and Gregory sure misses Jaden & Clay.
Raquel was also able to come with me for our first Refreshed meeting which was a great time.
We have since had one other meeting which was a great time as well...we had Erin Mirabella come and speak to us about fitness for our kids and then we made snuggle tied blankets. They turned out so cute and are so easy to make!
Amongst all of this stuff we've been attending a couples small group bible study on Friday nights, each leading a small group on Wednesday nights during youth group, and I've been attending a women's bible study on Thursday mornings...so if you don't catch us at home that often, well now you know why :-)
There's pictures online to see from when my sister and her family were here and that's all for now! http://tomandroxannecook.shutterfly.com/
I'll try to be better with posting, but no promises!
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