Thursday, September 15, 2011

In preparation of leaving the USA

As my faithful readers know (you are out there right?) we were preparing to move to Germany this summer.  (Since I'm writing this from Germany--we made it, but here's a little blogging about what happened before we got here.) 

Soon after our trip to ND it was time for us to leave Colorado, so we had a wonderful get together at It'z with so many of our friends we spend so much time with while in CO.  It was one last time to hang out and have a good time together...especially for Gregory to have wonderful last memories of being with his friends.  We had yummy food and played lots of games and took many pictures.  Our goodbyes were not fun, they never are.  We hope to keep in touch with those close to us, but we also know they are busy and we are busy we'll do our best (at least with Christmas letters/cards).

As always, pictures at our shutterfly site.

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