Today after we got back from picking Gregory up from preschool I felt like being outside a little bit. So we went up three flights of stairs to head back down and play in the 1/2" of snow. I wasn't sure if sledding was going to work, but we were going to try it. This was Gregory's first time sledding and he had a blast. I can only imagine how much more fun we'd have with more snow and bigger hills :-) Gregory shared his fun with his brother by letting him sit on his lap to go down the hill.

I'm calling them hills, but I am not even sure if they qualify for this name...bump might be more like it. The "hills" I am referring to are in front of our apartment (the slope from the sidewalk to the parking lot)--not too long, or too steep.
Without further adieu...below are three videos. Be sure to listen close to the second'll hear Gregory screaming his favorite Toby Mac song...Get Back Up Again.
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