As always, I've been slacking on my blog, so here's my attempt to catch up.
Our summer was busy, not too busy, but busy enough. We spent LOTS of time outside, especially at the playground by our house. We made a few trips up to Ramstein/Landstuhl for doctor appointments. We (me and the boys) went to a Barefoot Park, where you do just that...walk around barefoot and then you get to experience different feelings on your feet. We walked on a bed of nail heads, bark, small rocks, large rocks, pinecones, etc. We walked the shorter path, so we didn't get to walk through the mud or on the polished glass pieces...maybe next time. We spent lots of time with our friends when we were outside too. A few times we even played in the water with multiple sprinklers, a medium sized pool, water balloons, squirt guns and spray bottles.
Since we've been without A/C in both our van and our car we have not traveled too help keep cool we've enjoyed some YUMMY ice cream (more like gelato) and cold watermelon.
After looking back at my pictures my memory was jogged and I am remembering a few more things we did...we were all involved in VBS (Joshua, Gregory and Roxanne). I (Roxanne) enjoyed being in charge of a group of about eight 4-year olds. Gregory LOVED everything about VBS, but his favorite time was "game time". And Joshua was thrilled to be with his best bud, TJ, for the WHOLE week. These two boys are a day apart and TJs mom helped out in the nursery...and of course Joshua loves TJs mom too. This week created some special memories and I hope to continue being involved in a VBS program every year to encourage time devoted to learning more about God. I can recall many memories from my times with VBS and I hope to let Gregory and Joshua have these special times as well.
At the beginning of summer we spent some extra time with our friends Jan and Ginger up in Ramstein. We visited the Gartenschau where there is a dinosaur park and lots of play areas. The 8 kids all had a great time...our two, Jan's four, and Jan's brother's two. Even though we lived in Ramstein for 4 years we never felt the desire to visit the Gartenschau, but now with kids we knew we needed to check it out...especially since Gregory has such a desire to know more about dinosaurs.
Another adventure we had was going to an Animal Park that's not too far from where we live. We saw lots of deer, bison, goats, a couple of owls, chickens, sheep, rabbits, moose and a few other animals. There were some areas where you could pet the animals and you could buy food to feed many of the animals as well. Of course Gregory and Joshua ended up throwing the food at the animals instead of letting them eat out of their hands...the goats we started with were just to slobbery :-)
We also had to say goodbye to some friends and this is and will always be one of the hardest things about being a part of the military community. Some of those friends we said goodbye to were: Gregory's wonderful Preschool teacher--Mrs. Wilharms and my MOPS Coordinator--Jenny Wilson.
Now that the summer has ended it's time for a new chapter in our lives...Gregory going to school! See next post for more on this :-)
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