Monday, May 20, 2013

Another month and a couple of more birthdays

So another month has past and another couple of birthdays have past.  The least "exciting", but still special was my birthday on 8 April.  We enjoyed the day together so much!  I got to pick where we ate that day so we went out for italian at one of my new favorite restaurants...Vapiano's.  It's a large international chain that I had never heard of...but now that I have...I think everyone should check the place out.  It was a fine lunch date with my boys (all three of them).  Afterwards we went shopping!  It was a super fun time and great memories.

Yes, it's a rare, goofy picture of me...but hey, you only live once, so why not this time  :-)

And then we celebrated our next birthday...Gregory's 6th always, this deserves a post of its own.

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