Saturday, March 28, 2009

Catching up AGAIN - Random Stuff

So there are some random pictures and things that have happened here with the Cook's over the past week and half (or longer)...

I have accepted the position of Coordinator for the next year of MOPS - we'll be dropping the MOPS name and coming up with a name of our own in the near future.

We had a wonderful blizzard that came on Thursday and brought us some wet snow! By Sunday the snow will be gone again, so hopefully today Gregory will get out to play in it. While it was snowing like crazy Gregory enjoyed helping me make some yummy brownies and then painting.

Gregory and I have been to a great play area (Pump It Up) a few times and I finally remembered our camera - unfortunately the little girl that joined us got hurt last time we were there, so not sure we'll be back there for a bit...maybe save it for rainy days.

Baby Shower - Diaper Cake

Almost two weeks ago I helped do a baby shower for our youth pastor's wife...they are expecting their fourth child - still any day now.

I was pretty proud of the diaper cake I created for Scott & Ruth. Here are a couple of pictures of it...

Disney on Ice

Last night we went to see Disney on Ice. It was a special treat for us as a family. We can't remember the last time we spent money to go to an event! Of course we were a bit concerned on how Gregory would do and hoping we didn't just throw our money away because he wouldn't sit still. It turned out to be a great time for all of us. Gregory did awesome sitting on our laps and watching so many of his favorite characters. At first he was a little scared (the loud noises and darkness), even in spite of the scaredness he never missed an opportunity to clap for the characters. By the end of the evening he was so excited to see so many Disney characters.

It was funny, even Tom really enjoyed the production...he was amazed by the skating, pyrotechnics, set design and all that crazy stuff. I loved watching the ice skating and was reminded about how much I have enjoyed watching ice skating in the past...kind of crazy that it's not recent considering how we were reminded last night that there are a ton of ice skaters that come out of Colorado Springs.

Here are a couple of pictures from last night...of course there are more at

Monday, March 16, 2009


Today is a beautiful day outside and we've spent much of it out enjoying it...but now Gregory's napping and I want to blog. There haven't been many days where I've felt like blogging lately...I guess nothing noteworthy enough is going on either. So whenever I'm outside I tend to let my mind wander and today I was reminded to be thankful and to see the awesomeness of God by my here are some things I am so thankful for...and I'm sure I'll need these reminders later on when I'm not so thankful :-) Yes, there are those days too.

- Thankful for Christmas gifts that last through the years - I made some bread dough for breadsticks in my bread machine that my parents bought me quite a few years ago (more than seven for sure).

- Thankful for the talents God has given me - I'm in the middle of making dinner for a mom from MOPS that had her baby 10 days ago - I LOVE to cook/bake - I also made banana bread as a treat today for us and them.

- Thankful for a way to earn a little extra money for things like the tangerine bridesmaid dress I need to by for my best friend's wedding - My friend Carla is getting married in July and I'm gonna be a bridesmaid - oh and I earn my extra money babysitting our pastor's two kids.

-Thankful for the AWESOME mountains I get to look out and see EVERY DAY! WOW they are beautiful and with an amazing blue sky too!

- Thankful that Gregory is a happy healthy boy who's almost TWO - and learning more and more everyday. We've been teaching him to hold up two fingers and say "I'm TWO!" He's getting there - so hopefully by April 27th he'll be able to do it :-)

- Thankful that my husband has a job and there's no chance of him getting fired or laid off. The steady income and great health care is nice to have in these days of economic struggle.

- Thankful for wonderful memories - yesterday I helped put on a babyshower for our youth pastor's wife who is expecting their fourth baby in a couple of weeks...this all reminded me of the baby showers we had when we were expecting Gregory...good memories.

-Thankful for love - last night Tom and I were going through pictures trying to find some for a particular picture frame we have...of course there were many memories there, but also a love that Tom and I share is traveling and we've gotten to go so many places.

-Thankful for my husband - I can't imagine being without him and I'm so glad he's here with us. There are so many soldiers and airmen deployed and we've been so blessed to have Tom home...oh and I love the little bouquet of flowers he brought home to me recently...just because.

-Thankful for coupons! I know it's silly, but God has really blessed us financially and given us the means to save money with coupons and it's a fun thing for Tom and I to try to find the best deals around :-)

So there you have it - TEN things I am thankful for - there are sooooooooo many more, but I'll save them for another time.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Beautiful weather

Our weather here in Colorado has been UNBELIEVABLE! Today it was over 70 degrees! So Gregory and I took advantage of it and went to the park. Parks are such great photo opportunities. Enjoy.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


We had a great relaxing weekend so nothing really to blog about but I wanted to share a video of Gregory and a cute picture too.