Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cute pics

Just have to share the latest pics of Joshua, they are soooo cute!

More at our photo website...

Three month comparison

I forgot to do a three month comparison shot, so here it is...the first is Gregory and the second is Joshua at three months old, yeah I realize that Joshua is already four months old, but I'll wait until after his 4 month check up to do the post, so it will be after the 3rd of May. Don't worry there will be photos before then (mom!) :-) Well, lots has happened since I drafted this message and so there are more posts to get to...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New recipes

I love it when I try a new recipe and it turns out soooo delicious. Here are a few of the one's I've tried recently...

Crock Pot Honey Glazed Ham (
Lasagna (with cream cheese instead of ricotta cheese) (can't remember where I got this one from)
Bread Machine Garlic Bread (Taste of Home)
French Cinnamon Muffins (Betty Crocker)
Impossibly Easy Chicken Pot Pie (Betty Crocker)
Blueberry Sizzle French Toast (from

I also have been trying out a couple of Meal Plan websites ( and I like the second one the best. It's from Dave Ramsey's (the financial guru) recommended websites.

Of course there are plenty more new recipes I am looking forward to trying out, so more to come on this too.

My 35th birthday

A couple of days ago we celebrated my 35th birthday. It was a wonderful day. I spent the morning with my friend, Ruth, and had brunch at her house, while Gregory played with their son, Joshua. It was a fun time just chillin' and hanging out. Afterwords we went home and ordered Chinese food for lunch. Yummy. Then I opened my gifts from Tom, Gregory and Joshua. They were all wonderful gifts! I got a Willow Tree first one. It's a special and my two boys...

The other gift I got was a wonderful cookbook! I follow this gal's blog too...

With some of the money I got for my birthday I am going to do some gardening! I plan on planting some herbs outside and even a garden, so more to come on this later.

Thanks Tom for making my birthday special...I love you!


After Tom's surgery was Easter...we had a pretty low-key celebration since he was recovery. Even with a low-key celebration I did still manage to get the kids out to Gregory's first Easter egg hunt (which was at a nursery) on Saturday. It was pretty windy and Joshua slept through it in my arms, while Gregory got the idea rather quickly on how to search for eggs.
Then Sunday after church, Gregory and Joshua got their Easter baskets.

Church was exciting with a very large crowd. We had a record breaking total of like 1959 people. I'm not sure how many were first timers, but it was over 100 for sure. Monday after Easter Sunday I went to the church and wrote postcards for all of the guests we had! It was fun. No, I didn't get a cramp in my hand from all the writing!

Tom's knee surgery

Adding to all of the excitement we face in our house (you know never a dull moment with a three month old and a nearly three year old)...Tom had knee surgery. He has had knee problems for years and the military has decided that now the only thing left to do was surgery. So on April 2nd, Tom had surgery. Gregory enjoyed some time with his friend Cooper and Joshua hung out with me at the hospital on the Air Force Academy for quite a few hours. Surgery went fine and recovery wasn't too bad. They only numbed Tom's leg and put him to sleep, without using general anesthesia. Recovery has been going pretty good and Tom's been enjoying his time off (he's off for two weeks to recover). We won't know how successful things are for quite some time, so we'll see how this all works out. Here are a few pics from after the "event".

Joshua's three months old

A week and a half ago Joshua was three months is so busy for us these days that I didn't get a chance yet to put up the pics from this "event". So here they are...

Joshua is jabbering lots, trying hard to roll over, playing with his feet and becoming more content these days.

Catching up

So it's time to catch up I said in a couple of posts ago...we had the privilege of having my sister's family. It was a blast...I was able to get baby announcements out FINALLY and get the thank you cards done for the gifts we got at our baby shower. We had blizzard weather when they were here and we had gorgeous spring weather too. We celebrated my birthday (a little early), with some yummy cake! It was a fun time for all of us.

We only took a couple of pictures because I knew Raquel would have way better pictures, so check her pics out!