Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of 1st Grade

Today Gregory completed the first day of the 1st Grade.  He is in a multi-age class (K - 2nd grade) so he will keep the class (for the most part) and the same teacher (as long as she remains here).  So there wasn't a lot of "new" today for Gregory and that was kind of nice.  His class is relatively small (20 students) and about half of that number are new students (maybe a little less).  There is a german tradition that when you enter the 1st grade you get a "Schultüte".  This is a cardboard cone which is filled with "goodies" and school supplies.  Even though Joshua isn't going into 1st grade he got a miniature Schultüte because it was just easier this way.  I put some silly stuff (moustaches, toys, candy) and then a couple of school supplies in them each as well. 

I also forgot to get a picture last year of what Gregory wanted to be when he grows up, but it was a paleontologist.  This year it's an astronaut.  I love asking this question each will be fun to hear what it is in 10 years from now :-) 


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