Monday, October 20, 2008

A busy weekend is past

Yes, I know it's been a while since I've posted...sorry. This past weekend was a busy one. It started with Friday morning we had MOPS. Our speaker spoke about "Joy". I know I sure could use some more in my life - but I also know that it's my choice to have more joy in my life, so I'm seeking God about this. Our craft was YUMMY caramel apples.

Then Friday night we celebrated Tom's birthday (a few days early). We had some friends of ours over along with their kiddos. It was a great time of visiting and just hanging out. On Tom's actual birthday (Wednesday) he'll get to open his cards and gifts from Gregory and I. So more to come about this event.

On Saturday we went to what was called a "Pumpkin Patch"...actually the pumpkins were in a bunch of big boxes. Crazy. There were other things to do there too. There were goats to pet, a hay bale maze to go through, slides to go down, tractors to sit on and a corn box to play in (like a sandbox) and of course we got a pumpkin to bring home.

As always there are more pictures on our shutterfly site...

1 comment:

Jean said...

LOVE the picture of Gregory in the wagon w/ a pumpkin! So cute! I need to get Josh a wagon.