Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Gregory! Part 1

Yesterday we celebrated Gregory's FIRST birthday. Wow, hard to believe it's been a year ago since he was born. I remember that day very well...and I am glad for this...even though I remember that day very well, unfortunately I don't remember holding Gregory for the first time or feeding him for the first time. Kind of a sad thing for me that I don't remember moments very well. This is why I capture as much as I can with photos, but photos don't really capture feelings very well, so I think that is why those things get foggy in my memory.

Tuesday night we will finish celebrating Gregory's birthday at Chuck E Cheese's with our friends (and youth pastor), Scott & Ruth and their three kids. So there will more pictures later from this celebration. Until then here are the pictures from Gregory's ACTUAL birthday.

Photo Remark: Below Gregory is intently reading his birthday card from Grandma Betty.

Photo Remark: Gregory is enjoying his TWO new phones from Grandma Judy and Grandpa Oscar.

Photo Remark: Here Gregory is getting acquainted with his Tickle Me Elmo. We weren't sure if he'd be afraid of him or not...he wasn't as you'll see from the video below the photo.

Video of Gregory with Elmo.

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