Monday, April 13, 2009

What's for Dinner

So I love following other people's blogs which do menu planning...I kind of do my own menu plans but in a different way most of the time...I usually list what all I have available to make and then pick each night from that list. So this week I've planned ahead a little bit and here's what we're having for dinner...what are you eating this week?

Monday - Sichuan Pork & Green Beans - I've never made this before so we'll see how it turns out. I got a great deal on FRESH green beans for $.33/lb!

Tuesday - Chicken Enchiladas - I already cooked up three chicken breasts and will put together the enchiladas tonight since I babysit on Tuesday's and come home EXHAUSTED!

Wednesday - Church NIGHT - so we eat something quick usually - but I am going to make Beef Stir Fry since I am planning ahead and can get the meat unthawed early :-)

Thursday - Pizza Mac (Mac N Cheese w/ pizza stuff in it) - easy meal since Gregory has his FIRST dentist appt at 3 this day.

Friday - eating out since we are doing a Jr High Fun night at a place called Mr. Biggs.

So there you have it...what are you eating for dinner tonight (or this week)?

Oh and some day I want to try doing the Once A Month Cooking plan off of this wonderful website!

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